Weekly Routine Activity (Single)
team training by Chinese Debate Club
In order to help the students of the debate team better master the debate skills and exercise the debate skills, we will carry out a team training activity of debate once a week.
2024-03-03 19:00 - 2024-03-03 21:00
Event Mode: Signing up Only
Activity main organizer(PPL): Yufan Cui
Activity co-organizer(PPL): Jingyao Zhang

Event Content

team training

List of applicants(1) No Limit

Yufan Cui

Chinese Debate Club

SIP Campus
Academic Clubs

The XJTLU Chinese Debate Club, a leading academic A-level club, holds titles like "Annual Best Club" and "Best Progressive Club." It boosts debate interest, with management and debate teams. The former arranges events, while the latter offers training, competitions, and university interactions.

Founded in2011-05-04
FounderCheng Lv