2020 Summer Social Practice is Coming!

Social practice is an educational practice for XJTLU students take part during their vacation. In order to well combine theory with practice, the activity is designed according to students’ specialties.  Students are encouraged to form teams across grades, majors and nationalities and they have the option to complete their tasks on their own or by teamwork. (Further details please refer to the ‘2020 XJTLU Summer Social Practice Guidebook for Vacation’).

Please complete the ‘Social Practice Project Application Form’ once you have confirmed your research topic and send the form to Social.Practice@xjtlu.edu.cn before 31st May. Once approved, your proposed project will be considered as qualified summer social practice. (Please note that all the projects are required to be completed online.)

For those that have questions about the online social practice and those that are looking for buddies to form teams, you are more than welcomed to join our WeChat group called ‘2020 summer social practice consulting team’. In case that the group QR has expired by the time you scan, please add the president’s personal account and we will add you to the group.


Look forward to your participation!

More information about the Social Practice, please scan the QR code below and follow SPSA’s official account.
