The concept of the establishment of the Guzheng club is to be able to balance the XJTLU multicultural culture, especially in a special western circumstance. In view of XJTLU unique foreign teachers, students and more characteristics, which means that most people  will choose to enjoy the fun of folk music but the traditional Chinese music, especially the Guzheng. Aiming to let students and teachers, learn and explore the art of zheng in the spare time while improving personal accomplishment at the same time, we found this club to broadcast the Chinese traditional music.

Founded in2013-10-08
Club Constitution & Bylaws
Management Team
AY 2024~2025 AY 2023~2024 AY 2022~2023 AY 2021~2022 More…
Latest Events

Guzheng Club 2024-25 first semester general meeting

2024-09-23 19:00:00.0 - 2024-09-23 21:00:00.0 FB

"Our Guzheng journey is about to enter a new chapter! In order to make this semester's activities more exciting, we plan to hold a general meeting for all members of the Guzheng

Guzheng Club 2023-24 S2 Meeting

2024-04-21 20:00:00.0 - 2024-04-21 22:00:00.0 FB

Our journey with the guzheng is poised to embark on a new chapter! In order to make our activities for this term even more splendid, we have planned to convene an all-members meet.

Guzheng Club 2023-24 General Selection

2024-03-20 14:25:00.0 - 2024-03-20 15:55:00.0 BS2114

The Guzheng Club recently held its leadership elections, with a new management team set to take over the club's administration.

all-members meeting

2023-11-01 18:00:00.0 - 2023-11-01 19:30:00.0 PB414

Guzheng Club welcomed a number of new members, and in order for the members to get acquainted with each other, the Guzheng Club planned to carry out an all-members meeting.

Large-scale guzheng performance

2021-04-28 16:00:00.0 - 2021-05-05 16:00:00.0 FB和CB中间场地 或 宏愿餐厅门前广场

【西浦古筝社大型古筝合奏】你们见过西浦船水台之上琴音环绕,纤指翩翩吗?你们见过十五架古筝合奏的盛大场面吗? 没有。 因为还缺少你的参与! 西浦古筝社预备在艺术创想月举行大型古筝合奏活动~古筝社将在全校范围内召集20个会弹古筝的小伙伴来参与合奏活动,一起感受国韵气势磅礴的恢宏! 经过面试筛选,我们将在20位候选人中选出15个小伙伴与古筝社5位优秀社员参与排练,经过最终审核将有共15位小伙伴站上最终舞台。 我们准备了15架古筝与15件西浦定制服装等着你哦!如此盛大的活动,也将会成为你大学生活的非凡体验与美好回忆~我们期待赶快与15位志同道合的朋友相见❤️ 要求:至少具有十级古筝弹奏能力 我们希望你:1.       有较强的识谱能力2.       有合作经验的优先3.        积极配合活动安排并勇于提出自己的意见与建议 ✨本次合奏活动,我们的节目将是西浦最大型古筝表演项目哦!古筝社将会给你一次独一无二的大型活动参与经历,并且学校也会录制视频留给以后每一届西浦人,让所有人看到有你参与的魅力! 面试将于即刻开始,有兴趣的朋友们抓紧时间报名哦! 面试曲目要求:1.曲目能够展现自身能力              2.曲风不限              3.曲目时长3-5分钟  

Guzheng Club Assembly

2020-10-15 18:30:00.0 - 2020-10-15 21:30:00.0 Onset

The first assembly of Guzheng Club would try to introduce some details of the club and help the new members to break the ice.

Past Events