The X Actuarial Society is an actuarial society founded in 2022. We have learned that the actuarial major of each grade has a high score variance, a high failure rate and a difficult internship to find, so we hope to provide a platform for students who are interested in actuarial learning exchange a

Founded in2022-12-12
Council Director张喆昊
Club Constitution & Bylaws
Management Team
AY 2024~2025 AY 2023~2024 AY 2022~2023 AY 2021~2022 More…
Latest Events

Lecture of Scientific Research

2024-09-25 15:00:00.0 - 2024-09-25 16:30:00.0 MA/MB

Introduce scientific research experience, answer students' questions about scientific research, and the financial industry leaders will personally introduce their experience.

The Institute of Actuaries (IFoA) and industry experts will help you in your career - face to face with faculty and students at XJTLU

2024-05-08 14:00:00.0 - 2024-05-08 17:30:00.0 MB237

To share technology leads to the future of wealth, including the current problems and challenges facing the financial and insurance market.

Past Events