Autumn Recruitment Interview
A new batch of fresh blood has be injected into the XJTLU in the new semester . The Youth Volunteers Association of XJTLU will hold an autumn recruitment interview.
2024-09-11 18:30 - 2024-09-12 21:00
FB G84
Event Mode: Registration Only
Activity main organizer(PPL): Zimo Tang
Activity co-organizer(PPL): Liqiong Ning
Enroll Limit: 200
2024-09-11 09:00 - 2024-09-12 21:00

Event Content

In the new semester, XJTLU has welcomed a new batch of fresh blood, and the freshmen are full of enthusiasm and actively sign up to join the Youth Volunteers Association. The management of the Youth Volunteers Association will select a group of outstanding students through interviews to join us, thereby promoting the orderly progress of future activities.

List of applicants(0) Participant Number Limit:200

Youth Volunteer Association

SIP Campus
Functional Organizations

The Youth Volunteers Association of XJTLU, which was constituted by the young students who are willing to be engaged in social service, was set up in June, 2008 as a whole school social organization. It is the largest public welfare organization of XJTLU at present, aiming to organize and guide the whole school youth students volunteer social service activities. The association follows the norm of dedication, friendly, unity and mutual help, which makes the volunteer spirit part of the spirit of XJTLU.

Founded in2008-06-30