Interview for Teaching Support Members
The recruitment of summer teaching activities by the Youth Volunteers Association is in full swing, attracting many students from XJTLU. We will select suitable students for it.
2024-05-16 19:30 - 2024-05-16 22:00
Event Mode: Registration Only
Activity main organizer(PPL): Tengxiao Zhang,Zimo Tang,Yimin You,Lingxi Li,Yufan Tong,Liqiong Ning,Yichun Zhang
Activity co-organizer(PPL): Tengxiao Zhang,Zimo Tang,Yimin You,Lingxi Li,Yufan Tong,Liqiong Ning,Yichun Zhang
Enroll Limit: 150
2024-05-13 18:00 - 2024-05-16 23:00

Event Content

In the vast rural areas of our country, educational resources are scarce and the level of education is relatively low. In order to help improve the quality of education in rural areas and enable more children to receive good education, we have organized this rural teaching support activity. In order to better complete this teaching support activity, we will select outstanding and suitable students to go to the teaching support locations.

List of applicants(12) Participant Number Limit:150

Chao Huang
Yifan Chen
Yujie Han
Zhaoqi Wu
Liwenxu Yang
Linrui Wang
Zheng Guo
Xicheng Guo
Yuzheng Shen
Zeyu Yin
Jieru Lin
Yelin Xue

Youth Volunteer Association

SIP Campus
Functional Organizations

The Youth Volunteers Association of XJTLU, which was constituted by the young students who are willing to be engaged in social service, was set up in June, 2008 as a whole school social organization. It is the largest public welfare organization of XJTLU at present, aiming to organize and guide the whole school youth students volunteer social service activities. The association follows the norm of dedication, friendly, unity and mutual help, which makes the volunteer spirit part of the spirit of XJTLU.

Founded in2008-06-30