2020 Xi'an Jiangtong-Liverpool University Opening Ceremony


Since the start of the new semester, quite a few XJTLUers have shared such an experience: shuttling through the campus, being stopped and asked by freshmen who are eagering to start their adventure in XJLTU. You may be asked about which way to head to the classroom or how to borrow and return books via the library facilities, etc. All these scenarios signal the beginning of our new semester.

   XJTLU's 2020 Opening Ceremony was conducted on Sep 15 with the theme of  'From Kids to Young Adults to Global Citizens'


The opening speech made by the Executive President of XJTLU, Prof. Youmin Xi

In order to ensure we will present a perfect opening ceremony to every XJTLUer, as early as several months ago, various departments of the university have well started preparation and planning. With the ceremony approaching, the teachers of the Art Center, who act as the overall planning director of the ceremony, have been sparing no efforts in running every single detail, such the design of the stage, performer’s outifts, music selection as well as liasing with technical support. It is for sure that their continuous and enormous dedication contributes greatly to the the ultimate resounding success.

Extraordinary performances presented by XJTLU students 



Behind the stage, the student performers are taking each rehersal very seriously and cannot wait to start their show! During an interview conducted with those lovely students, they said that “We've been working on it for a long time, from music selection to numerous times of rehearsals, everyone has been working really hard.” Nevertheless, student contributors continued that they did not feel tired at all since they all treated it as an honor to participate in the opening ceremony.

Surrended by pleasure, the ceremony was approaching the end. Hand in hand, every participant together sang the song of "Dreamer". What a touching secen!



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