Ping Shui Xiang Feng
Pick up a bottle and pick up the dream of environmental protection. The YVA short-term activity “Ping Shui Xiang Feng” is now recruiting volunteers! Start from ourselves and pick up empty plastic bottles with friends who love public welfare. Expanding your friendship and accumulating the green power start from the trivial. Public welfare is not a grand dream, but minor matters around us. Come to join us and realize your public-minded ideality!This program will be recorded in your voluntary time record. Complete a certain period of volunteer time and you will receive a volunteer certification! The registration will be notified separately by mail.If you fail to register, you need to log in the website to view.After entering the group, the group leader organizes to select/allocate the activity time. 亲爱的同学们:捡起一个瓶子,拾起环保理想。青协短期项目组“瓶水箱逢”活动新一轮志愿者招募开始啦!从身边做起,和同样热爱公益的小伙伴一起回收塑料空瓶,拓展朋友圈,积攒绿色能量,美化环境从身边做起!公益不是很宏大的理想,它就在我们的身边!加入我们,完成你的公益心愿!本次活动将记入义工时长,累积到一定时长即可获得义工证!报名成功会有邮件另行通知,报名失败需自行登录网站查看。进群后领队组织选择/分配活动时间。 Time(活动时间): 16:00-17:00, Sunday, 12.27Place(活动地点): Student apartment Wen Xing A01 A02Gathering time(集合时间): 16:00, Sunday, 12.27Gathering place(集合地点): Wen Hui Service CenterLimit of members(规定人数): 25(selected by registration time.)Deadline of registration(报名截止日期): 20:00, Thursday, 12.24 
2020-12-27 16:00 - 2020-12-27 17:00
Student apartment Wen Xing A01 A02
Event Mode: No registration nor signing up needed

Event Content

Pick up a bottle and pick up the dream of environmental protection. The YVA short-term activity “Ping Shui Xiang Feng” is now recruiting volunteers! Start from ourselves and pick up empty plastic bottles with friends who love public welfare. Expanding your friendship and accumulating the green power start from the trivial. Public welfare is not a grand dream, but minor matters around us. Come to join us and realize your public-minded ideality!This program will be recorded in your voluntary time record. Complete a certain period of volunteer time and you will receive a volunteer certification! The registration will be notified separately by mail.If you fail to register, you need to log in the website to view.After entering the group, the group leader organizes to select/allocate the activity time.





Time(活动时间): 16:00-17:00, Sunday, 12.27

Place(活动地点): Student apartment Wen Xing A01 A02

Gathering time(集合时间): 16:00, Sunday, 12.27

Gathering place(集合地点): Wen Hui Service Center

Limit of members(规定人数): 25(selected by registration time.)

Deadline of registration(报名截止日期): 20:00, Thursday, 12.24


Youth Volunteer Association

SIP Campus
Functional Organizations

The Youth Volunteers Association of XJTLU, which was constituted by the young students who are willing to be engaged in social service, was set up in June, 2008 as a whole school social organization. It is the largest public welfare organization of XJTLU at present, aiming to organize and guide the whole school youth students volunteer social service activities. The association follows the norm of dedication, friendly, unity and mutual help, which makes the volunteer spirit part of the spirit of XJTLU.

Founded in2008-06-30